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Game aliases:  Battlegroupio

Battlegroup io description

Battlegroup io — Play for free at

Battlegroup io is an exciting marine game. You control the ship, and it’s quite difficult. There is continuous shooting in all directions, this make it similar to the glorious In the Battlegroup io you always have a chance to battle with someone: there are some bots and planes, you may also destroy them. Be aware of submarines. No chance to battle with submarines, so, in order to survive, you must escape. To sum up, this game is really interesting and exciting, it has a promising future.

How to play

Main aim is to reach the TOP1. There'no upgradable skills, health and ammos restored automatically. Your score doesn't affect those. The speed is also a constant value, you can't boost your speed. Note the speed of rotation, it takes a while to turn even 90 degrees.

You have to be aware of planes, opponents' ships and submarines. Submarines are invisible and sometimes launch torpedoes. If you accidentally get outside the game area, you will lose health until you come back or die. The ship’s rotation speed in the forbidden zone is huge, so it’s not easy to get out quickly.

Battlegroup io has great design of water, explosions, ships and planes. The game is great to spend sometime playing thanks to fine graphics and exciting gameplay. Little by little you'll get the basic strategy.


  • Ship follow the mouse pointer
  • Fire with left mouse click


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