Game aliases:  Drawpico Drawpico io

Drawpi co description

Drawpi co — Play for free at

Drawpico is one of the games where you should draw and guess. It is made for Russian-speaking players and results of the game can be saved in the social networks. The host selects a word or a topic and draws it, and the other players must guess. If you are the first to guess the word, you win the round. Absolute winner is defined after 15 rounds of the game.

How to play

The aim of Drawpico is to get the highest score during 15 rounds of the game. When you guess the word, you receive score points. The host receives points if somebody guesses the drawn word or topic. Other players receive points if they guess the word. Distribution of the roles is automatic. Everybody will have a chance both to guess and to draw.

Use pencil of any color to draw your picture and explain the word. You should explain your word in maximum two minutes.

You can play in the common room or create a private room and have fun with friends!


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