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Game aliases:  Opkaio

Opka io description

Opka io — Play for free at

Opka io is a game where you should be careful and attentive. The players are located in the circle, everybody has his own gates. The ball is flying between the players. Don’t let the ball fly into your gate. To protect your gates, use special skills and abilities, they are chosen before the game. You won’t be bored with online Tennis. Tie passes. And the number of balls is increasing. The game is played until the last survivor.

How to play

In the start menu, choose the color, active and passive abilities. Then. The players stand in a circle. If there are few people, players join with the bots called Opka. The bots can be compared with the most experienced players. The aim is to become the last survivor. Everybody has 5 lives. If you miss a ball, you lose a life. The number of balls is increasing continuously. The more you play, the higher is the tension. Surely, this game is not for slow people.


  • To move the platform, use the mouse
  • To use the ability, make a click


Active (you may accumulate and spend them)

  • Shield – your gates are blocked for some time
  • Clone – returned ball is cloned for some time
  • Chill – returned ball is chilled and slowed down for some time
  • Fireball – if a returned ball hits somebody, a player loses two loves instead of one
  • Cannon – a new ball is shot into the game

Passive (they are always available)

  • Extra lives – you receive some extra lives for the game
  • Survivor – your active ability is reloaded faster when other gamers quit the game
  • Extender – if you touch the edge of the gates, your platform is extended
  • Sniper – quickly returned ball speeds up your platform. But if you miss the ball, the speeding-up is annulated.
  • Portal – your walls are working like a portal


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